четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


There is no voice-over in the film. It is also important for any film-maker to assess these ethical issues regarding the representation of their real-life subjects before pursuing to document them. Tak sekedar merekam testimoni, voyage ini juga mengajak mi algojo me-reka aksi mereka dalam bentuk voyage fiktif? The world is not divided into good and bad people. Anwar Congo is the film's human symbol of Indonesia's traumatic past. Did Congo really think nothing of vomiting in front of the camera, under studio lights, and walking away as if the camera were not there? How did you want to portray him? film arsan dan aminah

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The apparently finished scenes that we see from this film-within-a-film are slick. This is the danger of non-fiction films. The protagonists seem to speak unprompted and undirected.

Trailer for The Act of Killing. The reaction in Indonesia has been positive and transformative beyond our wildest dreams. By the time I met Anwar I was explaining the point of the film very openly. In omitting the historical and political context of the massacre — besides a short text at the beginning of the film — and the heavy-handed role of the Indonesian military in it, Oppenheimer is not addressing the fact that Anwar Congo is just a pawn in a bigger political turmoil that was hitting the entire world.

The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer

After the screening, we spoke on Skype again. At a time when a growing body of van research on the killings has made clear that the army played a pivotal role in the massacres, The Act of Killing puts back on the agenda the Orientalist notion that Indonesians slaughtered each other with casual self-indulgence because they did not value human life. There is no reason to doubt that Congo and his friends took part in the violence ofand that the experience left deep mental scars, fillm did they kill as many as they claim?

film arsan dan aminah

Berdasarkan catatan sejumlah buku sejarah, PKI disebut sebagai pelakunya. It seems too much to imagine that a retired gangster like Congo or a cross-dressing thug like Koto could have produced something of this fikm on his own.

The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer - video dailymotion

Finally, an assessment by an anthropologist who has studied the era of the genocide: In the excerpts of the film that Anwar Congo makes, one of the gangsters called Herman Koto repeatedly appears in drag or tight pink dress.

Did Congo really think nothing of vomiting in front of the camera, akinah studio lights, and walking away as if the camera were not there? Your lives are shaped by it.

film arsan dan aminah

Local activists, journalists, and bloggers have quickly taken to it as aninah way to push longstanding agendas of political change, transparency, and the realization of unfulfilled promises of Reformasi. The killings are presented as the work of civilian criminal psychopaths, not as a campaign of extermination, authorised and encouraged by the rising Suharto group within the Indonesian army and supported by broader social forces frightened by the possibility that the Indonesian communist party might come to power.

Congo and his friends plan a film about their exploits inand The Act of Killing is interspersed with both excerpts from the finished film and scenes of prior discussion and preparation for the filming.

Yet the film is presented as the work of Congo and his friends. These people can justify it, so they do, and this is actually a symptom of their own conscience and their own humanity. I first went to Indonesia in to make The Globalisation Tapes, a film about plantation workers struggling to organise a trade union.

Manipulative and misleading The Act of Killing may be; it is nonetheless an extraordinarily powerful film which we should not ignore. Your ean society is based on it.

As Anwar Congo and his friends talk about the filming and the crimes they committed, Oppenheimer lets his camera roll, recording the content of the conversation and in doing so, also captures their extraordinary personalities, creating an enthralling cinematic show to present to the audiences.

How did The Act of Killing come about? Saya tergelitik, untuk tidak mengatakan tersentuh, saat menyaksikan dialog tele- konferensi antara Anwar dan Joshua yang disiarkan Aljazeera baru-baru ini.

The pleasure that Congo arssan his friends take in the memory of cruelty makes The Act of Killing a difficult film to watch.

Saya mengangkat masalah pelanggaran HAM berat ini agar mendapat perhatian masyarakat luas, di Indonesia dan secara internasional, demi sebuah perubahan ke arah perbaikan kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara, bukan hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga bagi masyarakat dunia. Non-fiction or amimah film-making is a documentation amonah actuality to pursue two distinct and contradicting desires — desire for the truth, and spectacle.

You have said that one of the most moving scenes for Indonesians is near the end, when Anwar imagines his victims thanking him for killing them and sending them to heaven. An elderly Congo and his xx are tasked with making a low-budget fictional voyage called 'Arsan dan Aminah' to amie their story, and here pas the genius of. Anwar has seen the film and is very moved by it, and remains loyal to it.

By this time in the film, Oppenheimer has made clear that Congo regarded him as a friend. As Anwar Congo and his friends talk about the filming and the crimes they committed, Oppenheimer lets his camera roll, recording the content of the conversation and in doing so, also captures their extraordinary personalities, creating an enthralling cinematic show to present to the audiences.

Anwar Congo is the film's human symbol of Indonesia's traumatic past.

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